Professional Learning Day Roadtrip with Harbor Springs Public Schools
Collaborated with the Superintendent of Harbor Springs Schools to design and deliver a Professional Learning Day for the HSPS staff.
Overview of Roadtrip
Seeing Possibilities: using resources available in your own backyard to make learning come alive
Creating Connections: connecting to colleagues, school classroom, content, HSPS community, and Harbor Springs community to provide a unique learning opportunity
Discovering New Directions: identifying what staff is willing to try between now and February 2022
“TOPOnexus provided a meaningful, relevant, and engaging professional learning session for our staff to start the year. The focus on learning in our community, teamwork, and critical thinking was evident throughout the morning's session.”
–Michael Behrmann, Superintendent, Harbor Springs Public Schools
Outcomes & Deep Impact
Stronger connection between HSPS staff and the Harbor Springs community at large
Staff commitments to try one new thing in their classrooms based on their take aways from the Road Trip
Sparked new teaching ideas: bring students to the community to enrich the curriculum
Direct opportunity for Harbor Springs to play a role in HSPS K-12 curriculum
Greater understanding of the TOPO way of learning
75 Participants
“Learning about your community, with your community, while out exploring the community is so powerful! Another fantastically organized learning opportunity provided by TOPOnexus!”
– Josh Brey, HSPS Middle School Teacher
The benefit of this collaboration between Harbor Springs Public Schools and TOPOnexus was successful on multiple levels. We worked together to:
Use the Harbor Springs community as a classroom
Make connections between HSPS staff and Harbor Springs community members
Invite the community to play a role in HSPS curriculum
Bring HSPS staff together as cross-curricular team members and individuals
Share new teaching strategies and ideas
“What a great way to start the school year! Connecting with colleagues and community lays a great foundation for further exploration and growth together. What a great physical reminder that our school system is so connected to the community.”
–Jodi Bower, HSPS Preschool Teacher
This is a springboard for the school year and coming years. So exciting to see and hear staff inspired by what they learned on their adventure around town, who they met, and how they shared their learning with one another.
What is Wonder & Whoa?
Without wonder, we cannot gain new perspectives or innovate. With wonder, we become lifelong learners. We are full of wonder. Whoa is something that stops you in your tracks and inspires, surprises, or shocks you. Together, wonder and whoa have the transformative power to create meaningful personalized learning.