Taking you next level.
Build your local literacy toolbox for doing community better.

What is the TOPO Library?
What we share:
Welcome to our virtual library where we make our innovative TOPO Tools accessible to all. Today you can access our powerful visuals and place-based articles. In the future, we will add monthly skill builders.
We are honored to be expanding best practices in the field of real-world learning. We hope you find a tool here for your own local literacy toolbox. Here’s to doing community better!
How it works:
We ask that you kindly use and share these TOPO Tools non-commercially and give attribution to TOPOnexus as noted. Let us know how the tools worked for you.
TOPO Way of Learning
We do hands-on, heads-on, hearts-on.
Learners try many pathways to make their own discoveries.
Learners discover their own path.
Together, we go beyond awareness and take action.
At TOPOnexus, learning becomes a fun adventure!
We explore our backyard. The entire community is our classroom.
We slow down. We stop to say “Whoa!”
We are full of wonder.

The TOPO Tools
Discover More
As trades instructors who are implementing the Beyond Hands-On learning model, we can continue to deepen our understanding and hone our skills.
With wonder, we become lifelong learners – curious and open to new perspectives.
A sense of wonder is the most important tool in our TOPO toolbox.
Our inspiration comes from Rachel Carson, author and catalyst of the modern environmental movement. In Silent Spring, Carson speaks out against the use of pesticides and fertilizers. In The Sense of Wonder, she advocates for the “simple power of discovery so essential to life.” Carson believed in nurturing a sense of wonder in everyone.
Photo Credit: Alfred Eisenstaedt
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
TOPO Arc of Action ©
We activate growth and move people from awareness to action using our Arc of Action©. Learners get “on the arc” and become empowered to tap their talents and do community better.
Learn the Lingo
Wonder, Fun, Adventure–I wonder…
Being curious; Finding joy in lifelong learning; Embracing the unknown
Skillset–Hands-On; I can…
Trying new things; Practicing behaviors; Solving problems; Building on your strengths
Mindset–Heads-On; I understand…
Applying prior knowledge; Considering new perspectives; Learning from mistakes; Connecting local to global
Heartset–Hearts-On; I feel…
Developing a connection to place; Making a commitment to community; Discovering a sense of belonging
Taking Action–I do…
Navigating a new direction; Identifying how to make it better; Contributing your talents
Doing Community Better
Using your talents to make a difference; Becoming a community catalyst