Weeds—Wonder Wedneday
It's WONDER Wednesday!
This week's WONDER is the weed. You read that right! We are celebrating the lowly weed in concert with No Mow May. Read on to know what weeds can do for you and your environment!
The No Mow May movement started in the UK and is rapidly growing here in the US. The idea is to leave beneficial pollinators (such as the infamous dandelion) for hungry bees emerging from hibernation when there's not much else for them to feed on. And we'd add that later in the season, Queen Anne's Lace and Bull Thistle, provide sustenance for bees and beauty, too.
It's a virtual salad bowl on your lawn! You can harvest garlic mustard, common burdock roots, or lambsquarters to create a salad or soup. These plants offer up great nutrition for free!
Many weeds have medicinal uses. You can make a skin-soothing salve out of broadleaf plantain and brew an antibacterial tea using common mallow, to name a few!