Spring 2022 Update


Each season, TOPOnexus will share an update about the goings-on at the Center for Learn Local. Below are highlights of the adventures, workshops, and trainings that we’ve had the pleasure of designing and delivering during 2022. What FUN we’ve had guiding learners of all ages in so many places!

We hope you enjoy this peek into the transformative power of real-world learning! If you’re interested in receiving future updates from “TOPO Land”, just scroll down to the bottom of this page and sign up for our seasonal newsletter.


From the Field

The past few months have been focused, full and fun with collaborations at the local, regional and national level.

Youth Experiences


A new collaboration with Industrial Arts Institute (IAI) Onaway, MI

We developed a custom blueprint for welders in Cohort 19 to explore what it means to build a noble workforce. Key concepts included setting a noble aim, acting for the greater good and serving as a catalyst. To increase their employability, students created a Next Level Shield showcasing their strengths – as noble welders, employees, and citizens – to share with prospective employers at the Talent Expo.

“You working in 3D makes the people around you also work in 3D to make a bigger impact. Makes me think about how I would actually help out in my community.” - Cohort 19 Welder

Deep Reach: 17 learners (14 students, 3 Staff)


Adult Experiences


A renewed collaboration with National Park Service Moose, WY

This two-week virtual roadtrip was an immersive training for historic preservation instructors to level up their craft. The focus was on gaining routines and techniques to make the delivery of their in-house workshops more experiential, more place-based, and more learner-centered for tradespeople.

“Inspirational”, “Enlightening”, “Informative”, “Intentional in delivery”, ”Instructive”

Deep Reach:  12 learners


REMINDER! This post–From the Field–is just some of the information we’ll be sharing in our quarterly e-updates. We’d love to share more of our highlights with you. If you’re interested in receiving future updates, just scroll down and SUBSCRIBE below.


Yellow Lady Slipper—Wonder Wedneday


Weeds—Wonder Wedneday