TOPO Explorers

Come play in the parks of Harbor Springs this summer!

We’re offering joyful learning experiences for PreK children that are: Wonder-based • Play-based • Place-based



When’s the last time you had an adventure?

Harbor Springs city parks provide the perfect setting for discovery! TOPO Explorers meets in 6 different locations. These 1-hour, interactive, sessions offer a well-rounded outdoor experience, inspiring you to keep adventuring wherever you go. 


Go! Explore! Discover More!

Use Discovery Tools–sorting nests, mallets, pretend binoculars. Explore with your 6 Senses (including wonder!) Kids choose from fun and focused activities around the park–make nature paints, go on a color hunt, seek ‘n find.


 NOTE: Adults must participate and supervise their children during TOPO Explorers.

Come to one or more!

Thursdays from 10am–11am

All parks feature easy and free parking as well as access to shade.

Created for ages 3-5!

  • $12 per child/per session 

  • Siblings are welcome to join the fun.

  • Adults–participate with your kiddo!


Why TOPO Explorers?

  • Go outside and get offline

  • Use all your senses including a sense of wonder

  • Explore places with new eyes

  • Make discoveries on your own

  • Build your child’s local literacy

  • Learn about Harbor Springs City Parks

  • Get inspired to go adventuring in other places

Frequently Asked Questions. 

  • • July 7: Jean Jardine & Deer Park
    • July 14: Indian Town Park
    • July 21: Ottawa Stadium
    • July 28: Shay Spillway Park
    • August 4: Kiwanis Park
    • August 11: Harborview Park

    All parks feature easy and free parking as well as access to shade.

  • TOPOnexus educator Kate Cohen is thrilled to guide you through immersive play in the parks this summer! A Harbor Springs native, Kate has taught kindergarten and outdoor preschool in California, Washington state and Michigan.

  • Your one-hour adventure will feature two circle times, discovery tools and Explorer’s Choice activities plus a take-home Explorer’s Card.

  • You may want to pack:
    • Water
    • Snack
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunhat
    • Comfortable clothes and shoes that can get dirty

  • TOPO Explorers is designed for ages 3-5, but older and younger siblings are welcome. Please purchase an additional session if a sibling will participate in the program. This helps us ensure we have enough materials on site.

Register Your Explorers Now

Adults must participate and supervise their child(ren) during TOPO Explorers.

Register total number of children participating.

July 7: Jean Jardine & Deer Park
July 14: Indian Town Park
July 21: Ottawa Stadium
July 28: Shay Spillway Park
August 4: Kiwanis Park
August 11: Harbor View Park